Book Resources
Many great books have been published lately that masterfully argue that one day God will reconcile everyone back to him. Here are our recommendations.

The Inescapable Love of God
(Thomas Talbott)
This is a must-read book on the topic and probably the most comprehensive one as well. Partly it is very philosophical and therefore can be a challenge for readers who are looking for an easy read. But if you want to dig deep then this is the book for you.

Jesus Undefeated
(Keith Giles)
A great introduction to the topic. Easy to read. Covers many important points about the topic.

That All Shall Be Saved
(David Bentley Hart)
As usual, DBH clearly voices his opinion. Powerful arguments for universal reconciliation. Partly very philosophical. Rich in depth.

Her Gates Will Never Be Shut
(Bradley Jersak)
A thoughtful introduction to the topic.

Hope Beyond Hell
(von Gerry Beauchemin)
An extensive introduction to the topic. It’s FREE on Amazon!

Grace Saves All
(David Artman)
A great introduction to the topic. Easy to read. Written with a pastoral heart.

Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God (Brian Zahnd)
A beautiful introduction to universal reconciliation. Easy to read. Covers many related topics (eg. how to understand Revelation in the light of UR).

The Great Victor
(Manuel Becker)
The only kid’s book that illustrates the beautiful Gospel for the whole family with a real happy end. It’s an epic tale that will ignite your children’s imagination with eternal truth.

A Larger Hope? (Vol. 1+2)
(Ilaria Ramelli)
Dr. Ramelli is one of the leading experts on patristics. In these 2 volumes, she traces the doctrine of apokatastasis (the restoration of all things) throughout the centuries. This is a scholarly work but still easy to read.

The Evangelical Universalist (Gregory MacDonald)
A great introduction to the topic especially for Christians with an evangelical background.
Web Resources
These are our favorite websites that offer free articles about universal reconciliation from a biblical perspective.
JesusReformation has countless helpful articles about universal reconciliation and other related topics (God’s character, God’s justice…). Follow their Instagram channel (jesusreformation_en) or follow them on Facebook for constantly new meaningful and beautifully designed quotes.
MercyOnAll features some great poems, deep articles, answers to FAQs, and much more. Check it out.
Tentmaker is around for many years already. They have tons of material on their page.
Eclectic Orthodoxy is packed with resources about universal reconciliation in the church fathers. If you want to seriously study what the church fathers said about the topic then this is the page for you.
Love Unrelenting
Check out our YouTube channel. It has tons of short interviews that are not included in the final documentary.